Lattice HRIS Connector for ADP Workforce Now®
Share data between Lattice HRIS and ADP Workforce Now
Lattice HRIS Connector for ADP Workforce Now®

Lattice HRIS Connector for ADP Workforce Now®

Share data between Lattice HRIS and ADP Workforce Now

Share data between Lattice HRIS and ADP

Reduce manual work with the Lattice HRIS Connector by automating employee, creation, updates, and terminations. You can keep track of your people in one place and seamlessly run payroll in another. This connector is for customers of Lattice HRIS and ADP Workforce Now. If you’re not already using Lattice HRIS. Note: This is a separate connector from the ADP to Lattice Performance integration. If you would like... Read more
Reduce manual work with the Lattice HRIS Connector by automating employee, creation, updates, and terminations. You can keep track of your people in one place and seamlessly run payroll in another. This connector is for customers of Lattice HRIS and ADP Workforce Now. If you’re not already using Lattice HRIS. Note: This is a separate connector from the ADP to Lattice Performance integration. If you would like to connect with Lattice Performance, please find the connector on the ADP Marketplace. Read less
Lattice Overview

Features and Benefits

Integrate seamlessly with ADP.

Sync employee updates, creation, and terminations from Lattice HRIS to ADP.

Save time on data entry.

Increase data accuracy by minimizing manual data entry.
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