Time Off by HR Cloud for ADP Workforce Now® Essential Time
Automate and easily track all PTO, vacation, and leave requests
Time Off by HR Cloud for ADP Workforce Now® Essential Time

Time Off by HR Cloud for ADP Workforce Now® Essential Time

Automate and easily track all PTO, vacation, and leave requests

Integration Details

Time Off tracks PTO balances for your whole organization and directs employee requests to the right managers for digital approval.
Manager views provide detailed reports and dashboards to show balances and who is out of the office.
Employees and managers love the power and convenience of using the mobile app to view balances and submit/approve PTO requests.
Create custom time-off policies that accrue automatically.
Approved time off is automatically synced to ADP Workforce Now® Essential Time.
Daily exports to ADP to make sure leave time is deducted from payroll (if appropriate).

ADP Applications Integrated

  • ADP Workforce Now® Essential Time
    ADP TotalSource®

Integration Type

  • 1. Bi-directional data exchange
    2. Single Sign-On (Practitioner Only)

Application Type

  • Data Connector & End User

Data Sync Frequency

  • Scheduled - Manual and Daily Recurring Imports

Data Fields

  • The following fields will be read by HR Cloud from ADP:
    1. First Name
    2. Middle Name
    3. Last Name
    4. Emails
    5. Phone Numbers
    6. Address
    7. Company Hierarchy
    8. SSN
    9. Primary Work Assignment
    10. Worker Status
    11. Payroll information
    12. Company
    13. Business Unit
    14. Benefits Eligibility Class
  • The following fields will be sent by HR Cloud to ADP:
    1. Time-off requests

HR Calendar

Avoid surprise vacations, and minimize confusion from sudden absences. The calendar view is updated in real time with each request, providing at-a-glance visibility into planned time off, who’s in, and who’s out.

HR Calendar

Drilldown Reports

Create highly detailed, insightful reports in just a few clicks. Identify employees who may be at risk of burnout and other workforce trends with updated metrics.

Drilldown Reports

Time-Off Policy

Create and enforce time-off policies with custom parameters such as employee seniority, sabbaticals, and jury duty. Set rules and parameters to fit your company’s policies and comply with federal, state, and industry regulations.

Time-Off Policy

Data Sync

Automatically sync with G-Suite and Office 365. Updates birthdays, anniversaries, events and time-off.

Safety and Security Systems

Time Off meets data privacy standards such as SOC-2, Privacy Shield, and GDPR.

Mobile Compatibility

Compatible with iOS and Android devices.

Mobile Compatibility
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