Performance Management Built for Business Impact


Performance Management Built for Business Impact

Integration with ADP

The integration between 15Five and ADP brings together powerful employee performance management capabilities with seamless integration. It enables businesses to streamline their processes, enhance employee engagement, and drive better results through the synchronization of data and workflows.

Commitment to Responsible AI

Together with ADP Marketplace, our company is committed to the responsible use of AI. When incorporating AI into our product(s), we have agreed to comply with ADP Marketplace’s AI principles focused on human oversight, monitoring, privacy, explainability, transparency, and mitigating bias. Learn more here.

How we use AI

  • At 15Five, our AI-driven tools are designed to streamline performance management by saving time, helping to reduce bias, and boosting effectiveness. These tools provide comprehensive insights through employee feedback, self-assessments, and managerial evaluations, ensuring that the essential human element remains central to HR operations.

    Our AI applications focus on integrating various data sources into actionable recommendations for performance reviews. This approach helps ensure that managerial decisions regarding employee evaluations and subsequent actions, such as promotions or compensation adjustments, are based on unbiased, data-driven insights. By eliminating protected demographic information and concentrating solely on performance metrics and qualitative feedback, our AI promotes fairness and inclusivity, aligning with both organizational goals and individual development.

  • These AI recommendations enable managers to customize management strategies to meet individual employee needs, including setting performance goals and guiding development discussions. This personalized approach can help boost engagement and retention, directly affecting employee compensation and career progression.

    We are committed to transparent and ethical AI use, aiming to enhance human expertise in HR and significantly impact talent management at 15Five.

    If you have questions about how 15Five uses AI, please contact us.

HR Outcomes Flywheel

The HR Outcomes Flywheel by 15Five focuses on enhancing business performance through strategic HR outcomes. It emphasizes the importance of actionable metrics obtained from performance reviews, engagement surveys, and manager effectiveness indicators. The platform encourages using insights to identify impactful opportunities and recommends data-driven plans tailored to specific needs. Actions are scaled through managerial tools like Transform, dynamic check-ins, 1-on-1s, and OKR/goal management. Spark AI facilitates quicker, scalable navigation of the HR Outcomes Flywheel, aiming for a complete, repeatable cycle of improvement and impact.

HR Outcomes Flywheel

AI Powered Assistant

Spark AI is the first-of-its-kind assistant for managers and HR leaders, designed to streamline administrative tasks and drive measurable improvement in engagement, performance, and retention.

AI Synthesized Feedback Insights

  • Effectively analyze & act on open-text feedback from employee surveys.

AI Assisted Reviews

  • Write better and less biased performance reviews - faster - with the assistance of AI.

AI Manager Copilot

  • Real-time, AI-powered assistant to help managers be more effective by recommending actions and guiding with best practices.

HR Outcomes Dashboard

Identify trends, make informed predictions, and recommend actions to improve the HR outcomes that drive business performance with ease, all in one place. Measure the competencies of an effective manager through behavioral and evaluation data, view data for each individual manager and the company aggregate, customize and weight the Indicator’s inputs based on organizational needs and company culture, and pinpoint areas of strength and improvement while maintaining psychological safety.

HR Outcomes Dashboard

Performance Management

A comprehensive solution for HR leaders encompassing the entire performance management process, from reviews to compensation and career growth.

Customizable Review Workflows

  • Tailor review processes to seamlessly align with your company culture, ensuring easy adoption and integration.

Integrated with Career Growth

  • Keep track of employee performance by incorporating career and growth goals into the review process, fostering continuous development.

Integrated with Reviews

  • Effortlessly access self, manager, and peer review results during review cycles, facilitating a comprehensive evaluation.

Integrated with Feedback

  • Eliminate bias and gain a comprehensive understanding by incorporating calibrated reviews into your existing review cycle.

Integrated with OKR’s

  • Define and assess success metrics set by your organization, quickly filtering details by department, team, or employee.

Integrated with Compensation

  • Experience a robust integrated solution with industry leading compensation partners that supports complex reward structures, complies with global pay requirements, and offers advanced reporting capabilities.

Drive Manager & Employee Alignment

  • Utilize a guided structure to foster alignment between managers and employees, emphasizing objectives, challenges, and progress.

Engagement Surveys

Unlock employee insights and drive positive change with customizable engagement surveys. Analyze data, receive actionable recommendations, and track progress over time. Foster open feedback and benchmark against industry standards for a thriving workplace.

Customizable Surveys

  • Create tailored surveys to gather feedback on specific engagement-related areas, allowing organizations to address specific needs and interests

Data-Driven Insights

  • Gain valuable insights into employee engagement levels, satisfaction, and drivers of motivation through the analysis of survey responses

Actionable Recommendations

  • Receive actionable recommendations based on survey results, providing guidance on areas to focus on for improving employee engagement.

Pulse Surveys

  • Conduct regular pulse surveys to track changes in employee sentiment and engagement over time, enabling proactive interventions and improvements.

Anonymous Feedback

  • Provide a safe and confidential space for employees to share their thoughts and concerns, fostering open and honest feedback for accurate insights.

Participation and Response Rates

  • Monitor participation and response rates to ensure a representative sample and maximize the effectiveness of the engagement surveys.

Benchmarking and Comparison

  • Compare survey results against industry benchmarks or previous survey data to gain a better understanding of performance and identify areas for improvement.

360° Performance Reviews

Performance reviews based on positive psychology that keeps employees on track, motivated, and focused on growing competencies

Comprehensive Feedback

  • Gather feedback from multiple sources, including peers, managers, and subordinates, to provide a holistic and well-rounded assessment of an individual's performance.

Multi-Perspective Insights

  • Gain insights from various perspectives, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of strengths, areas for improvement, and overall performance impact.

Development Opportunities

  • Identify growth areas and development opportunities based on the feedback received, enabling individuals to enhance their skills and performance.

Feedback Calibration

  • Ensure fairness and accuracy in feedback by incorporating calibration processes that help mitigate bias and maintain consistency across reviews.

Continuous Improvement

  • Foster a culture of continuous improvement by utilizing feedback to drive professional growth and create personalized development plans.

Enhanced Self-Awareness

  • Enable individuals to gain a deeper understanding of their own strengths, weaknesses, and impact on others, promoting self-awareness and personal growth.

Transparent Evaluation

  • Promote transparency and trust by providing individuals with insight into how they are perceived by others, fostering open communication and development dialogues.


Make goal-setting simple, empowering, and connected to company OKRs. Track the progress of your OKRs whenever you like, keeping everyone focused on what matters

Simplified Goal-Setting

  • Streamline the process of setting goals, making it easy for individuals and teams to define and align their objectives.

Alignment with Company OKRs

  • Connect individual and team goals to the broader organizational objectives, ensuring alignment and strategic focus.

Progress Tracking

  • Monitor the progress of OKRs in real-time, allowing individuals and teams to track their performance and stay focused on what matters.

Visibility and Transparency

  • Promote visibility and transparency by making OKRs accessible to everyone in the organization, enhancing collaboration and accountability.

Adaptive and Dynamic

  • Adapt to changing priorities and circumstances by easily updating and modifying OKRs as needed, ensuring agility and responsiveness.

Empowering Approach

  • Foster a sense of ownership and empowerment by involving employees in the goal-setting process, driving engagement and motivation. Alignment with Company OKRs

Check-Ins & 1-on-1's

The Check-ins feature enables regular and meaningful conversations between managers and employees, promoting goal alignment, progress tracking, feedback exchange, and personal development. It fosters a collaborative and supportive work environment while providing a platform for performance recognition and action planning.

Effortless Check-in Process

  • Complete a check-in in just 15 minutes, providing a quick but comprehensive update on progress, challenges, and goals. The intuitive interface allows you to navigate through the check-in process smoothly and efficiently.

Customizable Questionnaires

  • Tailor the check-in questions to suit your specific needs and objectives. Customize the questionnaire to align with your team's priorities, organizational goals, and individual performance metrics. This flexibility ensures that the check-in conversations focus on the most relevant topics and enable meaningful discussions.

Weekly Alignment and Action Planning

  • Maintain a regular cadence of check-ins, typically on a weekly basis, to ensure ongoing alignment with goals and objectives. During each check-in, you review your progress, discuss any challenges or roadblocks, and plan actionable steps for the upcoming week. This structured approach keeps you on track and enables proactive course corrections.

Streamlined Manager Review

  • Once you submit your check-in, your manager can review it in just 5 minutes, gaining valuable insights into your progress, accomplishments, and areas where support may be needed. The streamlined review process ensures that managers can provide timely feedback, offer guidance, and address any concerns effectively.

Goal Tracking and Performance Evaluation

  • The check-ins serve as a platform for tracking goal progress and performance evaluation. You can update goal statuses, provide updates on milestones, and discuss any adjustments needed to achieve targets. This real-time tracking and evaluation enable proactive performance management and help you stay focused on your objectives.

Meaningful Feedback Exchange

  • The check-ins facilitate a two-way feedback exchange between you and your manager. You can share your observations, concerns, and suggestions, while your manager provides guidance, constructive feedback, and recognition for your achievements. This open communication strengthens the manager-employee relationship and supports continuous improvement.

Actionable Insights and Analytics

  • Gain actionable insights and analytics from your check-in data. Identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement based on the collective data from check-ins across your team or organization. These insights enable data-driven decision-making, resource allocation, and strategic planning.

Role Clarity, Strengths Discovery & Career Mapping

Drive organizational success with role clarity. Define clear expectations, align goals, and foster accountability. Enhance collaboration and efficiency with transparent communication and role mapping. Empower employees with training and development opportunities for optimal performance.

Clear Role Definitions

  • Define and communicate clear role expectations, responsibilities, and objectives to ensure employees have a clear understanding of their roles within the organization.

Goal Alignment

  • Align individual and team goals with organizational objectives to promote coherence and ensure that everyone is working towards shared priorities.

Role Mapping

  • Visualize and map out reporting lines, team structures, and interdependencies to provide clarity on reporting relationships and foster effective collaboration.

Performance Expectations

  • Set clear performance expectations and OKR's to help employees understand what is expected of them and how their performance will be evaluated.


  • Foster a culture of accountability by establishing clear performance metrics, tracking progress, and holding individuals responsible for their roles and contributions.

Role Clarity Communication

  • Facilitate regular and transparent communication about roles, changes, and updates to ensure everyone is well-informed and aligned with evolving organizational needs.

Training and Development

  • Provide necessary training and development opportunities to enhance skills and competencies, supporting employees in performing their roles effectively.

Strengths Discovery

  • Identify and leverage employees' strengths to maximize engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction. Encourage self-awareness and personal growth by helping employees discover and apply their unique talents.

Talent Development

  • Support employees in developing and utilizing their strengths through targeted development plans, coaching, and growth opportunities. Create a strengths-based culture that fosters employee well-being and organizational success.

Career Vision

  • Empower employees to explore and define their long-term career aspirations. Provide guidance, resources, and opportunities for career growth and advancement within the organization. Foster a sense of purpose and direction, enhancing employee engagement and retention.

Manager Training & Coaching

A proven approach to driving business results with group skills training, custom learning journeys, real-world practice, 1-on-1 coaching and more.

Live and on-demand training and coaching that drives real business results

  • Align on outcomes, focus areas and key features. Learn Vital Skills essential for manager growth Capture analyze and measure impact Practice and apply skills to change behavior
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