Gift of College
Education Funding Made Easy

Gift of College

Education Funding Made Easy

Help Employees Save for College or Pay Down Educational Debt

Help improve employees’ financial health and address one of their biggest concerns — paying for higher education. With Gift of College, employees can easily contribute funds into any 529 plan or student loan account using the ADP auto payroll deduction platform. Employers can match contributions, and Gift of College gift cards (for 529 or student loan accounts) are also available for rewards and recognition, new... Read more
Help improve employees’ financial health and address one of their biggest concerns — paying for higher education. With Gift of College, employees can easily contribute funds into any 529 plan or student loan account using the ADP auto payroll deduction platform. Employers can match contributions, and Gift of College gift cards (for 529 or student loan accounts) are also available for rewards and recognition, new babies and other milestones. Read less

Features and Benefits

Help employees pay off and save for education.

Gift of College At-Work provides easy-to-use payroll deduction to employee-selected 529 plans and student loan accounts with the ability for the employer to match or contribute as well.

Gain an edge in attracting and keeping great talent.

With Gift of College At-Work, you can help acquire, retain and engage employees by addressing one of their top financial concerns — paying for higher education.

Help reduce employee stress and improve wellness.

Implement a low-cost way to address personal finance issues that weigh heavily on employees’ minds and provide valuable information about the usefulness of 529 college savings and 529 ABLE accounts.

Let employees choose their 529 plan.

Our platform works with any plan your employees select. The decision is theirs, not yours – taking away the stress of picking one plan for everyone.
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