AcquireTM, Talent Management for ADP Workforce Now®
AcquireTM, Talent Management Solutions for ADP Workforce Now®
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AcquireTM, Talent Management for ADP Workforce Now®
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AcquireTM, Talent Management for ADP Workforce Now®

AcquireTM, Talent Management Solutions for ADP Workforce Now®
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Integration Details

The AcquireTM Data Connector for ADP Workforce Now, allows for any applicant, employee, offer, onboarding or job posting information, to be pushed to available ADP fields. The data connector allows for updates from ADP making the integration Bi-directional. AcquireTM listens for hire events, termination events and changes to employee contact information to ensure profiles in AcquireTM are always up to date.

ADP Applications Integrated

  • ADP Workforce Now® (current version)
    ADP TotalSource®

Integration Type

  • 1. Bi-directional data exchange
    2. Single Sign-On (Practitioners Only)

Application Type

  • 1.Data Connector & End User

Data Sync Frequency

  • Real-time data push from AcquireTM to ADP Workforce Now
    Scheduled – data updates from ADP Workforce Now to AcquireTM every 30 minutes

Data Mapping

  • Customizable Data Mapping
    Data collected in AcquireTM can be mapped to ADP Workforce Now:
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Hire Date
    4. Pay/Offer Details
    5. W4, I9
    6. Direct Deposit
    7. Any data collected in Onboarding
    8. Any data from the applicant or job posting records
    9. Any user defined field
  • The following fields will be read by AcquireTM:
    1. Updated Employee Contact Information
    2. Hire Event
    3. Termination Event

AcquireTM Applicant Tracking

AcquireTM is the ideal Web based solution for small and mid-size companies that need an easy-to-use and affordable applicant tracking system. AcquireTM is a simple yet powerful solution that gives HR the tools to take control of the recruiting and hiring process. AcquireTM’s applicant tracking software simplifies the recruiting, hiring and onboarding, by giving every member of the hiring team access to the information they need.

AcquireTM Applicant Tracking

Detailed Applicant Record

AcquireTM easily collects candidate information electronically during the hiring process. It then organizes that data within the applicant tracking system. AcquireTM creates an applicant profile that’s easy to read and easy to distribute to others involved in the hiring process. Organize all the applicant data, including resumes, applications, assessments and screenings, background checks, activities, notes and email correspondence, into a single applicant record that is available over the Web, anytime, from anywhere.

Easily move applicants through hire steps and workflows that are defined around your processes. Automate email follow ups and applicant notifications. Share applicant information, capture feedback, and improve hiring collaboration.

Build a fully searchable talent pool, where you can search on practically anything that makes up the applicant record.

Flag applicants for group actions.

Notes, email, history and activity tracking

Easily collaborate with others throughout the hiring process

Detailed Applicant Record

Complete Applicant Profile

User Defined Hiring Steps and Workflows

Job Posting Syndication and Distribution

When it comes to posting your jobs out to the Web, it couldn’t be easier. AcquireTM lets you publish your job postings directly out of AcquireTM. Post to to hundreds of both free and paid boards, as well as social networking sites like Indeed, Google, Monster, ZipRecruiter, Career Builder and LinkedIn, to name a few, and click add. When you’re done click save and post. AcquireTM has direct integration with all of the best sites making it easy to get your job postings out there.

Manage your social media posting through AcquireTM as well. Share your posting out on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

In AcquireTM with a a click, it's, one-and-done!

AcquireTM tracks and captures important source information and includes great sourcing tracking reports that break it all down. Track the source, budgets and costs, and important metrics, from initial response, on through to quality of hire. Use the information to determine which venues are giving you the best value for your posting dollar.

AcquireTM lets you create postings on the fly or select from a library of saved job descriptions. Once created, a button click can post them up to your Career Center and third party job boards.

Job Posting Syndication and Distribution

Fully Branded Career Center

First impressions can mean everything. AcquireTM Professional applicant tracking software includes an integrated Career Center that lets you present your hiring brand your way. AcquireTM’s Career Center is seamlessly integrated into your existing Corporate Website giving you a professional destination that welcomes potential candidates and expresses your unique corporate culture.

AcquireTM’s Career Center is mobily optimized and Responsive, meaning applicants can review and apply to your positions across any device, Smart phone and tablets included!

AcquireTM applicant tracking system’s Career Center puts you in control of the applicant experience. Collect as much or as little information as you need as part of your process; with customizable applications and screening questions. AcquireTM’s Career Center offers applicants an easy to use, intuitive interface that gets them quickly through the process online. Manage both internal and external applicants, each with their own applications and process.

Your Career Center is an effective way of introducing your hiring brand, and attracting new talent to your applicant pool with little or no effort. No need to store applicant resumes in your email folders, The Career Center provides a single location were applicants can submit their resumes, fill out online applications and more.

Fully Branded Career Center

Team Collaboration

AcquireTM understands hiring is a team effort. We make it easy for Hiring Managers and others to be part of the hiring process. For example, HR can give Hiring Managers the option to initiate the job requisition from a simple intuitive interface, where they can select job descriptions from a stored library of templates and/or previous job postings. Once created, job requisitions are automatically submitted for approval and then on to HR for posting.

As applicants start coming in, HR can share applicant information with hiring managers and others, who can easily review the applicant’s information, and submit feedback. Hiring Manager specific workflow’s and workflow automation streamlines the process, making it easy even for those Hiring Mangers that don’t want to be bothered.

All the information that the Hiring Manager may need to mange their role in the hiring process, can be available to them without the need for them to even log directly into AcquireTM! This makes the process easy and intuitive for the Hiring Manager and removes the barriers that can prevent Hiring Managers from using the applicant tracking system effectively.

Texting (SMS Communications)

Text communications and text-to-apply reach candidates right where they are!

Text-to-apply helps you engage talent anywhere by letting people text-to-apply to your job openings. Capture applicant information, automate responses, and fill your jobs and talent pool.

To learn how to add this module to your account, contact us via the ADP Marketplace.

Texting (SMS Communications)

Social Media Integration

AcquireTM supports all of your recruiting social media efforts. With direct integration with social networking leaders like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, you can post your jobs and expand your reach.

Automate referral and social recruiting communication for quick, viral reach. Make position announcements to Employees. Employees can easily share and forward across their social networks in support of your hiring initiatives.

AcquireTM’s built-in tools encourage and make the management of social recruiting initiatives that much easier.

Social Media Integration

Video Interviewing

AcquireTM’s video interviewing platform, makes it easy to screen, view, rate, and share video interviews; making the interview process, faster, easier and more effective. Conduct video interviewing and connect with candidates at any time and from any location. Save time and money and find the best candidate for the job.

Video interviewing gives you the opportunity to see and hear candidates. Lets candidates share who they are, demonstrate their talents, and answer questions you pose.

With video screening and interviewing you gain a deeper insight into personalities and abilities. You are able to make a more informed decision based on qualitative data that may not be apparent on a candidate’s resume, or gleaned during a phone conversation.

A video interview gives you a complete view of a potential candidate, giving you the ability to make better hiring decisions, faster.

To learn how to add this module to your account, contact us via the ADP Marketplace

Video Interviewing

Employee Referral Management

Encouraging employee referrals is something that every company should engage in. It’s a widely accepted fact that referred employees typically have higher retention rates, and can increase employee engagement in their company. With that in mind, AcquireTM includes tools that support your referral programs. Including automating the publishing of jobs to social networks like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. Tracking social recruiting referrals, automating the announcement of new positions to employees, and allowing employees to easily share job information across their social networks, keeps employee referrals coming in.

Reporting and Analysis

Keeping track of your hiring efforts and staying EEOC compliant are both important factors of any HR department. Being able to quickly see things like, how long did it take fill that last position, what are my best sources of referrals. What job boards produce the best results and what kind of activities did your team perform last week?

Collecting EEOC information and reporting on reasons for non-selection. Maintaining applicant flow logs, hire/offer logs, and tracking adverse impact, ensure you have the necessary information to support your AAP initiatives and stay EEOC and OFCCP compliant.

All reports are generated in real-time, and can be sliced and diced by a number of different criteria, like date range, requisition and recruiter for example. Reports can easily be exported out to Microsoft Word and Excel, also to PDF, making it easy to share report information with others.

Reporting and Analysis

Definable Hiring Steps & Workflow Automation

Business process management and smart workflow automation are a vital part of what makes AcquireTM different. We’ve incorporated smart workflow automation technology and designed AcquireTM from a workflow driven approach.

AcquireTM's smart workflow technology is used to improve everyday business processes and keeps things moving, so you can concentrate on getting more done and focusing on the things that matter. It allows your team to spend more time on the actual work and less time on the processes that support them.

Use AcquireTM's smart workflow technology, especially for those processes that are typically handled manually by employees. With workflow automation significant gains can be made in:

  • Efficiency
  • Productivity
  • Accuracy
  • Accountability
  • Job Satisfaction

AcquireTM provides user definable actions and automated workflows that can keep your hiring process moving forward, automatically.

Definable Hiring Steps & Workflow Automation

Email and Calendar Integration

AcquireTM offers applicant tracking software complete with email integration. No more having to go back through folders and old email history. As you correspond with applicants, even when using your company email, all of that correspondence is copied and stored back in the applicant’s profile. Email integration couldn’t be easier, no buttons to click or folders to drag and drop, no more cutting and pasting. AcquireTM lets you send or receive emails and have them automatically copied into the related applicant record in AcquireTM, there’s nothing you need to do.

AcquireTM also integrates with both Microsoft Outlook and Google Calendar for Calendaring. Calendars can be checked, appointments can be scheduled, and meeting invitations sent to the appropriate parties (HR, Applicant and Hiring Manager) for acceptance, all without having to leave AcquireTM.

Email and Calendar Integration

Recruiting CRM

AcquireTM's CRM (candidate relationship management) give corporate recruiters the right tools to manage and nurture candidate relationships. AcquireTM helps you find, connect, and stay connected with passive candidates that might not find you.

With AcquireTM and CRM, things like activity management, notes, identifying top candidates, grouping and live search, become key features and allow prospecting for top talent to be an integral part of HR’s hiring efforts.

AcquireTM easily tracks activities, phone calls, tasks, appointments and requisitions, so recruiters can maintain a complete history of activities. Maintain unlimited notes to help manage potential candidate relationships. Capture people’s goals and ambitions, track people’s movements and professional relationships.

Build a fully searchable talent pool, where you can search on practically anything that makes up the applicant record. Boolean requests, along with full index searching, provide a powerful search tool that lets you search on all of the resume text, notes that are made, emails and activity history.

Recruiting CRM

AcquireTM OPENdoor Onboarding

AcquireTM’s OPENdoor employee onboarding, initiates an efficient and positive new employee onboarding experience; giving new employees the materials and resources they need to be productive faster. OPENdoor is easy set up and our workflow automation makes the tracking, coordinating and execution of the onboarding process smooth and easy.

AcquireTM OPENdoor Onboarding

Employee Record

Transitioning an applicant to a new employee is a click away. Select hire from the applicant record and OPENdoor gets to work using your defined workflows to manage the onboarding process. Your new employee will automatically receive an email welcoming them into the organization and directing them to the new hire web portal where they can get started with the employee onboarding process. All of the necessary forms that need to completed, and documents that need to be reviewed and signed, are available.

Manage and track the entire process right out of your new employee’s record. At a glance you can quickly see what has been done and what may still be outstanding. Review any of the completed forms, and if necessary, re-issue forms back to an employee if a correction is needed.

Assign and track any of the internal tasks that may need to get done, to ensure that your new employee has everything thing they need for a successful start. For example, having purchasing order equipment or having IT get their login and email set up. Create automated follow ups and/or escalations for important or time sensitive forms or tasks.

Employee Record

Form Design & Data Collection

AcquireTM’s OPENdoor uses a simple form design for data collection. These simple forms make it easy for the new hire to quickly provide the specific information necessary to easily complete onboarding documents, like Form I-9 . Forms are automatically pre-populated with information that is already part of the applicant’s profile. So, Form W-4, for example, is well on it's way to completion, as soon as the new hire starts it. Enter once, populate many. Upon completion, the form populates the onboarding document and presents it to the new hire for review and e-signature.

Form Design  & Data Collection

Create and Manage e-Forms and Documents

Electronically manage forms and documents. AcquireTM’s OPENdoor onboarding software can take all of your existing forms, documents and onboarding paperwork, and bring it online! New hires see only the forms and documents relevant to them, based on location, job code/requisition or position. New hires can quickly complete and sign the necessary paperwork, HR and hiring managers can review and approve these documents quickly through a simple, intuitive Web interface.

In addition to standard forms, like W-4, I-9, Direct Deposit and state specific tax forms, AcquireTM’s OPENdoor easily lets you add any additional company specific forms and documents. For example, company policy’s, benefits and Insurance, background screening authorization, to name a few. Any form that you are currently collecting as part of your onboarding, can be set up as an e-form.


OPENdoor allows new hires to quickly complete and e-sign the necessary paperwork and forms. Including W-4 and I-9 forms. Any form that requires a signature, can be set up to e-sign. All of the necessary documents and forms, along with signatures, are saved digitally in the employee’s record and are easily available for retrieval. They can be viewed, shared, and printed. They can also be sent to your HRIS or payroll provider, by using AcquireTM’s API (Application Programming Interface) to set up system integration.


Onboarding Workflows

AcquireTM OPENdoor lets you define and automate your onboarding process. With the click of a mouse onboarding for a new employee is started. AcquireTM OPENdoor can send out a welcome email to your new hires with instructions to login to your employee portal. From the portal they can easily review and complete any of the necessary forms, paperwork and tasks needed to support your onboarding process.

AcquireTM OPENdoor includes everything need for seamless and paperless onboarding process

  • Standard e-Forms and Documents like Form I-9 and W-4
  • Unlimited Company Specific Forms
  • Unlimited Hiring Packets
  • e-Signature
  • New Hire Web-Portal
  • Seamlessly Integrated with ADP Workforce Now®

New Hire Onboarding Web Portal

First impressions can mean everything. So get you new employee started right, right from the start. AcquireTM’s OPENdoor employee onboarding software, provides new hires with a secure online Web portal where they can review and complete any of the necessary new hire forms and paper work, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

New Hire Onboarding Web Portal

Onboarding Collaboration

AcquireTM understands hiring is a team effort and OPENdoor makes it easy to manage employee onboarding across the entire organization. HR can create tasks as part of the onboarding workflow that can be assigned to individuals or departments. For example, having purchasing order equipment, or having IT get their login and email set up, or perhaps assigning a mentor that can reach out to the new employee, on the day they get started.

All of your onboarding task are tracked and updated in your onboarding check list, date time stamped, so you’re assured that the action is complete.

Tasks out of AcquireTM are managed and updated via email, making the process easy and intuitive for others who may not be a part of HR. Removing barriers that may make it more difficult for others to use the system effectively.

WOTC (Work Opportunity Tax Credit)

AcquireTM, has seamlessly integrated the WOTC process, allowing companies to automate the screening and collection of WOTC information at any point in the hiring process.

To learn how to add this module to your account, contact us via the ADP Marketplace

WOTC (Work Opportunity Tax Credit)
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