Integrate seamlessly with ADP
Preparis integrates seamlessly with ADP's API, allowing ADP customers to utilize Preparis emergency notifications, preparedness planning, incident management, and business continuity solutions.
Emergency Notification
Threats like natural disasters, workplace violence, acts of terrorism, and cyber-attacks put your workforce, properties, and operations at risk. Prepare, protect, and respond from any device, anywhere in the world. Simply mitigate risk, eliminate business impacts, and ensure the safety of your workforce with our all-in-one cloud platform for mass emergency notification and incident management.

Manage incidents in real time
Work your plan supported by dashboards that deliver 360° visibility of recovery efforts and update in real time.

Incident Management
Executive reports and dashboards provide visibility and insight into incident management performance and emergency preparedness actions, all in real time.

Prepare your organization for unexpected emergencies
Prepare, protect, and respond to natural disasters, workplace violence, acts of terrorism, and cyber-attacks from any device, anywhere in the world.
Bi-Directional Mass Emergency Messages
Before critical events take place, easily develop and manage your entire emergency preparedness and business continuity programs from any device, anywhere in the world, so your organization is prepared and ready to communicate. In case of an emergency, protect your workforce with quick and efficient bi-directional messaging and incident management. Preparis offers five different delivery methods including voice, SMS text, email, push, and desktop notifications.

Simple Business Continuity Planning
Business continuity planning doesn't have to be complex. With our tools and team guiding you through the process, build and store your plans in one central location for quick use and access

Plan templates, historical data & reporting
Agility Planner allows you to stay focused on other mission-critical projects while keeping you compliant with audit-ready plans for easy reference, access to historical data, and centralized document storage to maintain incident records, manage BC documents with any time, anywhere access.

Executive Level Reporting
Create executive reports and dashboards to provide visibility and insight into incident management performance and emergency preparedness in real-time.
Training and Notifications
Central location for online training and emergency alerts. - Subscribe to and publish automated FEMA alerts with seamless integration to IPAWS - Online training that includes more than 100 threat-specific topics

Audit Ready Compliance
Maintain business continuity plans and incident management activity and history, to help achieve audit-ready compliance in one central platform.
COVID-19 Safety Guidelines
A lot of companies have found it to be challenging to cope with their pandemic continuity planning. However, ensuring that your employees are safe and maintaining uninterrupted communication within the organization has always remained vital for any business, especially when it comes to communicating with employees about COVID-19 cases within the workforce and their household. Using a phone tree or email system is not sufficient to manage this kind of data exchange. Yet, implementing an emergency messaging system for bi-directional communication, check in-check out processes, and the ability to track the overall health of their organization through one system can provide a lifeline.

Send bi-directional mass emergency messages
In case of an emergency, protect your workforce with quick and efficient bi-directional messaging and incident management.